Syllabus for AVR Microcontroller
The AVR is a modified Harvard architecture 8-bit RISC single chip microcontroller which was developed by Atmel in 1996. The AVR was one of the first microcontroller families to use on-chip flash memory for program storage, as opposed to One-Time Programmable ROM, EPROM, or EEPROM used by other microcontrollers at the time
With a single cycle instruction RISC CPU, innovative Pico Power technology, and a rich feature set, the AVR architecture ensures fast code execution combined with the lowest possible power consumption. For high level application every nano second is countable. This program promises of encounter of all kind signal types that are required in most of high end projects.
Module 1: Introduction
- Introduction to various technologies in Electronics
- Analog, Power and Digital electronics basics
- Comparison of different technologies
- Introduction to embedded system
- Importance and Evolution of Embedded system
- Comparison with other technologies
- Different architectures and elements used in embedded
Module 2: ATmega 8515 / ATmega 16
- Introduction to AVR architecture
- Comparison of AVR with other CISC &
RISC based systems and Microprocessors
- AVR family Categories and importance (AT tiny/ ATmega/
- Atmega 8515 / Atmega 16 pin details and
specifications (with package detail)
- Instruction set / Bus architecture
- RAM, FLASH, UART and other peripherals.
- Interrupts, timer , Counters
- Introduction to AVR ProBASIC and SPI programming KIT
Module 3: Assembly language
- Assembly Language (Instruction set, Mnemonics, Memory
- Use of Assemblers & Simulator
- Rules to write a code
- Programming for AVR
- Examples programs for AVR
- Compilation and burning hex file on Programmer
Module 4: Embedded C language
- Introductions to Embedded C
- Loops, String , Arrays, Pointers
- Functions and Macros
- Compilers, Editors and Burners (Win AVR, GNU – GCC
Module 5: Peripheral Interfacings
- Port programming & led interfacing
- Seven segment display
- Liner keyboard
- Matrix keyboard
- DC motor
- Stepper motor
- Relay
- Watchdog timer
- Timer & Counter
- Opto Isolators
Module 6: Communication Protocols
and Converters interfacings
- Serial RTC (I2C)
- UART (Serial Communication)
- ADC (Internal and Exrenal)
- Sensors
- On chip devices
Module 7: Advance display modules
- Introduction to graphics
- 16×2 LCD display
- Graphics on Character LCD
- Introduction Graphic LCD
- Graphic LCD Controller and Commands
- Interfacing and making Graphics for 128×64 GLCD
Module 8: Final project
- Final embedded based Project
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