Syllabus for Advanced Embedded
Syllabus for 8051 Microcontroller
Module 1: Introduction
- Introduction to various technologies in Electronics
- Analog, Power and Digital electronics basics
- Comparison of different technologies
- Introduction to embedded system
- Importance and evolution of Embedded system
- Comparison with other technologies
- Different architectures and elements used in embedded
Module 2: 8051 microcontroller
- Introduction to 8051 architecture
- Comparison of 8051 with RISC based systems and
- 8051 Clones
- Instruction set / Bus architecture
- RAM, FLASH, UART and other peripherals.
- Pin configurations of different Microcontrollers
(According to Packages)
- Introduction to 8051 programming KIT
Module 3: Assembly & Embedded C
- Assembly Language (Instruction set, Mnemonics, Memory
- Introductions to Embedded C
- Loops, String , Arrays, Pointers
- Functions and Macros
- Compilers , Editors and Burners
- Compilation and burning hex file on Programmer
Module 4: Peripheral Interfacings
- Port programming & led interfacing
- Seven segment display
- Liner keyboard
- Matrix keyboard
- DC motor
- Stepper motor
- Relay
- Timer & Counter
Module 5: Communication Protocols
and Converters interfacings
- RTC (I2C)
- UART (Serial Communication)
- ADC(0804)
- Sensors
Module 6: Advance display modules
- Introduction to graphics
- 16×2 LCD display
- Graphics on Character LCD
- Introduction Graphic LCD
- Graphic LCD Controller and Commands
- Interfacing and making Graphics for 128×64 GLCD
Module 8: Final project
- Final embedded based Project
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